Thursday, May 1, 2008

Flip and Turn and Talk

So lately I have notice that Braylen is starting to move around. I lay him down in one spot and when I come back to him his moved slightly. Well today I put him down facing one way and when I came back he was facing the completely opposite direction. I wounder if he'll start crawling next.

About a week ago Nicole called my mom about Isabelle rolling over and when we said braylen is always on his back and he doesnt even try. She says, "it's because he's a porkchop." Later my dad gave him a rattle and he yells to my mom, "call nicole braylens been holding and sucking on his rattle for 5 minutes!" When my mom told her later agian she says it's because he's a porkchop and thinks it's food. Well I would like to report that Braylen did indeed roll over today. He was on his belly and I walked away for a minute and when I came back he was on his back.

One last cute thing. I put some animals in his crib a couple days ago. That day when I put him down for his nap he notice they were there and just starred at them and just watched them. The next morning I woke up to him talking and when I got up and looked he was looking and the white dog talking away to it. It was So cute. so whenever he's in the crib and he can see them all he does is look at them till he falls asleep.


Missy said...

wow, he is getting so big. Hate to tell you, but kids are very good at doing things when you are not present. I think they plan it that way. He is a cutie!

Nicole said...

I love that picture of him looking at his dog!