Thursday, September 4, 2008

Another Month

My baby is know 7 months old today, and boy is he growing. It's funny because now he knows what the camera is so if he's doing something and I want to get a picture of it he stops and smiles for the camera. He is now getting around the furniture pretty good, claps but only when he wants to, and balances on his own. It's only a matter of time. Before he used to army crawl but now he crawls normal but only if he's not in a hurry or tired. he's like a little puppy now too. Right after I feed him, if he sees me eating he's at my lap begging. Oh he's also learned to stick his tongue out. It's the funniest thing.

On to me. I started school 2 weeks ago and let me tell you I'm beat. The first week of school I worked 35.5 hrs, went to school full time, did homework and took care of Braylen. This week wasn't too bad I worked less but everything else is the same. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I have to do it for a better life. I told my work that I can't work more then 25 hrs but no less then 20 which is going to help a lot. School this semester I thought was going to be really hard because of the classes I'm taking but it's going to be easy as long as I read my books. I'm taking my last math and english, child development, and world civilization.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

We love the pictures of Braylen. Especially with his tongue out. Aisea said, "woah look at his belly!"