Sunday, April 6, 2008


(His two month picture)

As of Friday Braylen turned two months. He's growing so fast to me. He play on his mat and hits at his toys and the noisier they are the more he loves them and when he's on his belly he holds his head up so good. But what I love the most is when he talks to me. What he loves the most though is his bath time. If you fill the tub and hold his head up he love to float and kick and move his arms. He just smiles and coos. It the cutest thing.

Today I went back to work and I was OK it was only four hours. Everyone asked me if I was missing him yet. Of course I was but I do need my mommy time. I'm with him all day. Saturday it is going to be the day I miss him the most because I have to be away from him for about 9 hours.


Nicole said...

he's not as chubby as he looks with clothes on

Nicole said...

it looks like you shaved his head