Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thanksgiving & Black Friday

Yes I know this blog is well over do but I've been really busy. I finish this semester with three classes passed. I passed my math, child development and english. And I've Been working A LOT.

Any ways, we had thanksgiving over my Aunt Carol's. He loved it and was actually really good about getting into things. He ate stuffing, mashed potatoes, a little turkey and a little ambrosia salad. My Grandma and uncle from my dads side also came over to eat too. when we ate the only place to put braylen was in a big chair. he loved it. He was the center of attention. After dinner we let Cabo into the house but put him in the basement. the gate is at the top of the stairs so he would come up to be pet. Braylen loved it until we turned off the lights. we were all in the living room and heard braylen start crying like he was hurt. when i went to go see he was standing 4 feet from cabo crying. it was pretty funny.

On black friday i work 3am - 11:30am. it actually wasn't that bad. we were really busy so it went really fast. all i know is that i wont do it again.

1 comment:

Susan said...

i love black friday and always want to go..this year...too tired.