I took Braylen over to the Teaman's house one day because they have a little farm. They own a few hourses some chickens and dogs. I originally took him to ride the little pony but that totally changed when we got there. Sister Teaman's daughter and her family are living with her so when we got there he just wanted to play with the boys.
He jumped on there tramp-o-lean and was a pro. Then he ran around and tried climbing the dog and climbed all of the swing set. They also got into the toys in the garage. They had balls, trucks, skate bourds and a four wheeler for a kid. As soos as he found the four wheeler he got on it an was trying to get to to go. after he couldn't get thet working he took the skate bourd and started riding that.
The horses were out in the pastures and the little girl brought out apples to feed the horses so braylen threw the apples at the horses to feed them. It was really funny because he kept doing everything that the older boys were. Braylen then found the chicken coup and loved it. As soon as he saw it he sai, "OOO chicken!" I love it. We went in to the barn to put the horses away and Sister Teaman filled up a bucket for the dog to drink. Braylen was watching the dog a little to closely. When I wasn't watching he dunk his face into the bucket to drink like the dog. I only realized it when I saw water dripping from his nose. then he turned and did it again.
It was dinner time when we left so Braylen was cold, hungry and tired all not good mixed together.
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