Friday, October 31, 2008


Braylen had surgery on the 23rd. It was nothing major. He had a cyst by his right ear and they removed it. I honestly wasn't that nerves because I knew it was nothing serious. His surgery was at 7:30 and we had to be an hour early. I changed him into his little gown and it looked so cute on him. when they tried to take his blood pressure they couldn't find it so they left it on his toe until it worked. He weighed in at 23lbs. They took him back awake but I of course knew what they were doing. It took not even a half hour. When he woke up he wasn't happy though. I figured the reason being was he had not ate yet but also because he woke up in pain with a stranger holding him. The nurse made his bottle and he sucked it down in 5 minutes maybe less. They gave him a little bear that had patches with stitches. it's really cute. I have to go back on the fourth for his check up. I don't have pictures because i forgot it.(almost two weeks later)

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