Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chritmas Eve and Christmas Day

Christmas Eve we Went my Grandma's house like we do every year. There haven't been kids in her house for a very long time. I remember us not being aloud to climb on the furniture or putting our feet on the table but man the great grand kids get to do whatever they want. I just want to point out how unfair that is. we had our usual lasagna for dinner. my mom makes hers and my aunt makes hers. Both delicious but very different. After dinner we got the kids into their PJ's which matched and got a surprise visit from Santa. Sio loved it Braylen and Isabelle really didn't care. then they opened their presents and played.

Christmas morning was not very good for Braylen. He was so tired i had to wake him up earlier then he wanted to, so he wasn't very happy. He would open on gift with my help of course and then play with it and then cried when i took it away to open the next and that happened every time. Their were so many presents under the tree. I don't even remember us as kids having that many. After his nap Braylen was so much better and had more fun playing. our Aunt Carol came over and visited for a while which Sio loved. oh yea and me Nicole and Mom had matching PJ's too.

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