Saturday, January 24, 2009

Family fun

Yes I haven't blogged in for ever but I just haven't been up to it. Nicole blogged all about Christmas so i figured until i get around to it she has part up, since everyone that reads my blog reads hers. Then my excuse was i was reading. I got hooked to the Twilight series. Those books are AMAZING. They just suck you in. I got addicted and couldn't stop. Anyways I just kept making up excuses. So here I am finally blogging.

(our twins)

So Nicole finally got home back in December and i knew with the kids being here Braylen would get jealous which of course he did. For the first week they were getting used to each other. Braylen walks and Isabelle doesn't so he kept tripping over or falling on her at one point i swear he intentionally sat on her head. Isabelle eventually starting fighting back though so that was good.

Braylen loves taking baths but when Sio and Isabelle where here we bathed them all at once and he hated that. He would cry the whole time until i took him out. But Isabelle loved it because Nicole finally let her sit in the tub. And Sio just love having Isabelle and Braylen. He's been dying to meet braylen since Braylen's been born.

The only thing I don't like is Braylen learning about junk food. I can pride myself in saying i never gave him junk food. But of course Auntie Nikki messed that up because you can't leave one kid out. So he would get ice cream and chips and nutty buddy bars. JUNK. So now he getting really mad if you don't give him some and my mom wont deny him any.

(getting the ice cream)

(and after)

I worked a lot when they where home so didn't get to go places when they went. one of the days they went to the history museum and i just get to see the pics.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Mom gave him that stuff before I was there too you know.